The Geometrical Model of the DR
The Kinematic model of the DR
The Inverse kinematic model of the DR
The Geometrical Model of the DR
Input data: The DR position a vector 2×1 t:=[tx;ty]; The DR orientation a scalar alfa; Output data: The DR graphical representation
- DR parameters
- Representing the DR in its referential frame
- First method: change the pose in the absolute referential frame
- Second method: change the pose relative to the previous referential frame
- Trajectory and Working Volume animation
- Trajectory and Working Volume animation 2
- Trajectory and Working Volume animation 3
DR parameters
The points coordinates
p0=[0;0;0;1]; p1=[0.3;0;0;1]; p2=[-0.2;0.2;0;1]; p3=[-0.2;-0.2;0;1]; p4=[0.4;0;0;1]; p5=[0;0.4;0;1]; % Contours and lines % Obs:for these simple shape we avoid the incident matrix L1=[p1,p2,p3,p1]; L2=[p0,p4]; L3=[p0,p5];
Representing the DR in its referential frame
figure hold plot(L1(1,:),L1(2,:),'k','LineWidth',2) plot(L2(1,:),L2(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2) plot(L3(1,:),L3(2,:),'g','LineWidth',2) grid xlabel 'X' ylabel 'Y' title ('The differential robot graphical model') axis([-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5])
Current plot held
First method: change the pose in the absolute referential frame
Input data:
t=[1;1]; alfa=pi/2; T0_k=[cos(alfa),-sin(alfa),0,t(1,1);... sin(alfa),cos(alfa),0,t(2,1);... 0,0,1,0;... 0,0,0,1]; L1k=T0_k*L1; L2k=T0_k*L2; L3k=T0_k*L3; % The new pose figure hold plot(L1k(1,:),L1k(2,:),'k','LineWidth',2) plot(L2k(1,:),L2k(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2) plot(L3k(1,:),L3k(2,:),'g','LineWidth',2) grid xlabel 'X' ylabel 'Y' title ('The differential robot graphical model') axis 'equal'
Current plot held
Second method: change the pose relative to the previous referential frame
Input data:
tk_k1=[0.5;0.5]; alfak_k1=pi/2; Tk_k1=[cos(alfak_k1),-sin(alfak_k1),0,tk_k1(1,1);... sin(alfak_k1),cos(alfak_k1),0,tk_k1(2,1);... 0,0,1,0;... 0,0,0,1]; L1k_k1=Tk_k1*L1k; L2k_k1=Tk_k1*L2k; L3k_k1=Tk_k1*L3k; % The new pose plot(L1k_k1(1,:),L1k_k1(2,:),'k','LineWidth',2) plot(L2k_k1(1,:),L2k_k1(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2) plot(L3k_k1(1,:),L3k_k1(2,:),'g','LineWidth',2) axis 'equal'
Trajectory and Working Volume animation
From the first method we have constructed the function DR_gm(t,alfa) Define a circular trajectory
beta=linspace(0,2*pi,100); r=2; t=r*[cos(beta);sin(beta)]; alfa=pi/2+beta; figure hold plot(0,0,'kd','MarkerSize',5) xlabel 'X' ylabel 'Y' title ('The differential robot graphical model') grid % The DR representation for i=1:length(beta) [L1k,L2k,L3k]=DR_gm( t(:,i),alfa(1,i)); plot(L1k(1,:),L1k(2,:),'k','LineWidth',2) plot(L2k(1,:),L2k(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2) plot(L3k(1,:),L3k(2,:),'g','LineWidth',2) axis 'equal' pause(0.025) end traject=r*[cos(0:0.1:2*pi);sin(0:0.1:2*pi)]; comet(traject(1,:),traject(2,:))
Current plot held
Trajectory and Working Volume animation 2
From the first method we have constructed the function DR_gm(t,alfa) Define a circular trajectory
x=linspace(0,5,50); y=sin(2*pi*x/5); alfa=atan(2*pi/5*cos(2*pi*x/5)); t=[x;y]; figure hold plot(0,0,'kd','MarkerSize',5) xlabel 'X' ylabel 'Y' title ('The differential robot graphical model') grid % The DR representation for i=1:length(x) [L1k,L2k,L3k]=DR_gm( t(:,i),alfa(1,i)); plot(L1k(1,:),L1k(2,:),'k','LineWidth',2) plot(L2k(1,:),L2k(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2) plot(L3k(1,:),L3k(2,:),'g','LineWidth',2) axis 'equal' pause(0.025) end
Current plot held
Trajectory and Working Volume animation 3
From the first method we have constructed the function DR_gm(t,alfa) Define a circular trajectory
x=linspace(0,5,50); y=0*x; alfa=y; t=[x;y]; figure hold plot(0,0,'kd','MarkerSize',5) xlabel 'X' ylabel 'Y' title ('The differential robot graphical model') grid % The DR representation for i=1:length(x) [L1k,L2k,L3k]=DR_gm( t(:,i),alfa(1,i)); plot(L1k(1,:),L1k(2,:),'k','LineWidth',2) plot(L2k(1,:),L2k(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2) plot(L3k(1,:),L3k(2,:),'g','LineWidth',2) axis 'equal' pause(0.025) end
Current plot held
The Kinematic model of the DR
Input Data: v_r:= the right wheel speed v_l:= the left wheel speed x_0:=[t_x0;t_y0;aplha_0] the initial pos of the robot b:=the distance betwen the wheels [m] dt:= the sampling period [s] Output data: The trajectory coordinates: x=[t_x;t_y;aplha] The trajectory plot (Using the geometrical model)
Input Data
niT=900; % number of iterations
Direct Kinematic
x=x_0; for i=1:niT v=0.5*(v_r(i)+v_l(i));% the linear speed of the robot central point w=(v_r(i)-v_l(i))/b; % the angular speed of the robot alpha=x(3,i); delta_d=v*dt; delta_alpha=w*dt; x(:,i+1)=x(:,i)+[delta_d*cos(alpha+delta_alpha);... delta_d*sin(alpha+delta_alpha);... delta_alpha]; end
Trajectory representation
figure plot(x(1,:),x(2,:),'LineWidth',2) axis equal grid xlabel 'x' ylabel 'y' title 'The DR trajectory'
Using the geoMod for the robot repesentation
figure hold plot(0,0,'kd','MarkerSize',5) xlabel 'X' ylabel 'Y' title ('The differential robot graphical model') grid % The DR representation for i=1:15:niT [L1k,L2k,L3k]=DR_gm(x(1:2,i),x(3,i)); plot(L1k(1,:),L1k(2,:),'k','LineWidth',2) plot(L2k(1,:),L2k(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2) plot(L3k(1,:),L3k(2,:),'g','LineWidth',2) axis 'equal' pause(0.25) end hold
The inverse kinematic model of the DR
The Input data: The desired trajectory defined by several points: points_d=[x1,x2,x3,…xn;y1,y2,y3,…yn]; The traveling time T; and the sampling time dt; b:=the distance betwen the wheels [m] The Output Data: The intermetdiary points: points=[x1,…,xm;y1,…,ym]; The DR velocities: v_l=[vl1,…,vlm], v_r=[vr1,…,vrm]; Graphical representations: The desired points The computed trajectory The wheels speed The DR direct kinematic simulation
Input data
points_d=[1,5,10;... 2,5,3];% [m] T=10;%[s] dt=0.01;%[s] time=0:dt:T; %time vector m=length(time); b=0.3; % [m]
The intermediary points
x=linspace(points_d(1,1),points_d(1,end),m); y=spline(points_d(1,:),points_d(2,:),x);
Graphical representation of the desired points and the computed trajectory
figure(1) hold grid xlabel 'X' ylabel 'Y' title 'The desired points 'o' and trajectory (blue), the simulated trajectory (red)' plot(points_d(1,:),points_d(2,:),'or') plot(x,y,'lineWidth',2)
Current plot held
The DR speeds
dx=(x(2:end)-x(1:end-1))/dt; % (1,m-1) dy=(y(2:end)-y(1:end-1))/dt; alfa=atan2(dy,dx); %(1,m-1) dalfa=(alfa(2:end)-alfa(1:end-1))/dt; %(1,m-2) v=dx./cos(alfa);%(1,m-1) v=v(1:end-1);% %(1,m-2) w=dalfa; %(1,m-2) vl=0.5*(2*v-b*w); %left wheel speed vr=0.5*(2*v+b*w); %right wheel speed
Graphical representation of the speeds
figure subplot(2,1,1) hold xlabel 'Time [sec]' ylabel 'v_r,(red) v_l (blue) [m/sec]' grid plot(time(1:end-2),vl,'b','lineWidth',2) plot(time(1:end-2),vr,'r','lineWidth',2) hold subplot(2,1,2) plot(time(1:end-2),180*alfa(1:end-1)/pi,'b','lineWidth',2) xlabel 'Time [sec]' ylabel 'alpha [dgr]' grid
Simulate the DR direct kinematics
Trajectory=[]; pozition_0=[points_d(:,1);alfa(1,1)]; Trajectory(:,1)=pozition_0; for i=1:m-2 vi=0.5*(vr(i)+vl(i));% the linear speed of the robot central point wi=(vr(i)-vl(i))/b; % the angular speed of the robot % alpha=x(3,i); delta_d=vi*dt; delta_alpha=wi*dt; pozition=DR_km(Trajectory(:,i),[delta_d;delta_alpha]); Trajectory=[Trajectory,pozition]; end
Compare the two trajectories
Current plot released
Using the geoMod for the robot repesentation
figure hold plot(0,0,'kd','MarkerSize',5) xlabel 'X' ylabel 'Y' title ('The differential robot graphical model') grid % The DR representation for i=1:25:m-2 [L1k,L2k,L3k]=DR_gm(Trajectory(1:2,i),Trajectory(3,i)); plot(L1k(1,:),L1k(2,:),'k','LineWidth',2) plot(L2k(1,:),L2k(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2) plot(L3k(1,:),L3k(2,:),'g','LineWidth',2) axis 'equal' pause(0.25) end hold