DR Example
The Geometrical Model of the DR
Input data: The DR position a vector 2×1 t:=[tx;ty]; The DR orientation a scalar alfa; Output data: The DR graphical representation
DR parameters
The points coordinates
p0=[0;0;0;1]; p1=[0.3;0;0;1]; p2=[-0.2;0.2;0;1]; p3=[-0.2;-0.2;0;1]; p4=[0.4;0;0;1]; p5=[0;0.4;0;1]; % Contours and lines % Obs:for these simple shape we avoid the incident matrix L1=[p1,p2,p3,p1]; L2=[p0,p4]; L3=[p0,p5];
Representing the DR in its referential frame
figure hold plot(L1(1,:),L1(2,:),'k','LineWidth',2) plot(L2(1,:),L2(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2) plot(L3(1,:),L3(2,:),'g','LineWidth',2) grid xlabel 'X' ylabel 'Y' title ('The differential robot graphical model') axis([-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5])
Current plot held
First method: change the pose in the absolute referential frame
Input data:
t=[1;1]; alfa=pi/2; T0_k=[cos(alfa),-sin(alfa),0,t(1,1);... sin(alfa),cos(alfa),0,t(2,1);... 0,0,1,0;... 0,0,0,1]; L1k=T0_k*L1; L2k=T0_k*L2; L3k=T0_k*L3; % The new pose figure hold plot(L1k(1,:),L1k(2,:),'k','LineWidth',2) plot(L2k(1,:),L2k(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2) plot(L3k(1,:),L3k(2,:),'g','LineWidth',2) grid xlabel 'X' ylabel 'Y' title ('The differential robot graphical model') axis 'equal'
Current plot held
Second method: change the pose relative to the previous referential frame
Input data:
tk_k1=[0.5;0.5]; alfak_k1=pi/2; Tk_k1=[cos(alfak_k1),-sin(alfak_k1),0,tk_k1(1,1);... sin(alfak_k1),cos(alfak_k1),0,tk_k1(2,1);... 0,0,1,0;... 0,0,0,1]; L1k_k1=Tk_k1*L1k; L2k_k1=Tk_k1*L2k; L3k_k1=Tk_k1*L3k; % The new pose plot(L1k_k1(1,:),L1k_k1(2,:),'k','LineWidth',2) plot(L2k_k1(1,:),L2k_k1(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2) plot(L3k_k1(1,:),L3k_k1(2,:),'g','LineWidth',2) axis 'equal'
Trajectory and Working Volume animation
From the first method we have constructed the function DR_gm(t,alfa) Define a circular trajectory
beta=linspace(0,2*pi,100); r=2; t=r*[cos(beta);sin(beta)]; alfa=pi/2+beta; figure hold plot(0,0,'kd','MarkerSize',5) xlabel 'X' ylabel 'Y' title ('The differential robot graphical model') grid % The DR representation for i=1:length(beta) [L1k,L2k,L3k]=DR_gm( t(:,i),alfa(1,i)); plot(L1k(1,:),L1k(2,:),'k','LineWidth',2) plot(L2k(1,:),L2k(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2) plot(L3k(1,:),L3k(2,:),'g','LineWidth',2) axis 'equal' pause(0.025) end traject=r*[cos(0:0.1:2*pi);sin(0:0.1:2*pi)]; comet(traject(1,:),traject(2,:))
Current plot held