The inverse kinematic model of the DR
The Input data: The desired trajectory defined by several points: points_d=[x1,x2,x3,…xn;y1,y2,y3,…yn]; The traveling time T; and the sampling time dt; b:=the distance betwen the wheels [m] The Output Data: The intermetdiary points: points=[x1,…,xm;y1,…,ym]; The DR velocities: v_l=[vl1,…,vlm], v_r=[vr1,…,vrm]; Graphical representations: The desired points The computed trajectory The wheels speed The DR direct kinematic simulation
Input data
points_d=[1,5,10;... 2,5,3];% [m] T=10;%[s] dt=0.01;%[s] time=0:dt:T; %time vector m=length(time); b=0.3; % [m]
The intermediary points
x=linspace(points_d(1,1),points_d(1,end),m); y=spline(points_d(1,:),points_d(2,:),x);
Graphical representation of the desired points and the computed trajectory
figure(1) hold grid xlabel 'X' ylabel 'Y' title 'The desired points 'o' and trajectory (blue), the simulated trajectory (red)' plot(points_d(1,:),points_d(2,:),'or') plot(x,y,'lineWidth',2)
Current plot held
The DR speeds
dx=(x(2:end)-x(1:end-1))/dt; % (1,m-1) dy=(y(2:end)-y(1:end-1))/dt; alfa=atan2(dy,dx); %(1,m-1) dalfa=(alfa(2:end)-alfa(1:end-1))/dt; %(1,m-2) v=dx./cos(alfa);%(1,m-1) v=v(1:end-1);% %(1,m-2) w=dalfa; %(1,m-2) vl=0.5*(2*v-b*w); %left wheel speed vr=0.5*(2*v+b*w); %right wheel speed
Graphical representation of the speeds
figure subplot(2,1,1) hold xlabel 'Time [sec]' ylabel 'v_r,(red) v_l (blue) [m/sec]' grid plot(time(1:end-2),vl,'b','lineWidth',2) plot(time(1:end-2),vr,'r','lineWidth',2) hold subplot(2,1,2) plot(time(1:end-2),180*alfa(1:end-1)/pi,'b','lineWidth',2) xlabel 'Time [sec]' ylabel 'alpha [dgr]' grid
Current plot held Current plot released
Simulate the DR direct kinematics
Trajectory=[]; pozition_0=[points_d(:,1);alfa(1,1)]; Trajectory(:,1)=pozition_0; for i=1:m-2 vi=0.5*(vr(i)+vl(i));% the linear speed of the robot central point wi=(vr(i)-vl(i))/b; % the angular speed of the robot % alpha=x(3,i); delta_d=vi*dt; delta_alpha=wi*dt; pozition=DR_km(Trajectory(:,i),[delta_d;delta_alpha]); Trajectory=[Trajectory,pozition]; end
Compare the two trajectories
Current plot released
Using the geoMod for the robot repesentation
figure hold plot(0,0,'kd','MarkerSize',5) xlabel 'X' ylabel 'Y' title ('The differential robot graphical model') grid % The DR representation for i=1:25:m-2 [L1k,L2k,L3k]=DR_gm(Trajectory(1:2,i),Trajectory(3,i)); plot(L1k(1,:),L1k(2,:),'k','LineWidth',2) plot(L2k(1,:),L2k(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2) plot(L3k(1,:),L3k(2,:),'g','LineWidth',2) axis 'equal' pause(0.25) end hold
Current plot held Current plot released